If you were wondering…YES, there IS a zero-waste makeup brand for you! This is my Part Two plastic-free summary of my new favorite makeup: Axiology. Zero-waste makeup is my new…
Where To Recycle Clothes, Household Items, Makeup, and Other Odds and Ends
Trying to find out where to recycle clothes and household items can feel like a full-time job. While it would be completely awesome to have a curbside service for everything,…
Where to Find the Best Vegan Leather Bags
If you’re finally swearing off leather purses, here are the best vegan leather bags and why they’re so awesome. These cruelty-free bags check all the boxes on price, environmental awareness,…
10+ Inspiring Tips for the Eco-Friendly Family of Your Dreams
Does having an eco-friendly family sound like bliss? One where everyone enjoys recycling and composting and finding plastic alternatives just for fun? If this is your dream, then this post…