Do you ever wonder what makes someone good, like what are a few tried and true signs of a kind person? If you’re fascinated (and sometimes horrified) by human behavior like I am, you’ve probably grown to really appreciate every tiny act of kindness that comes your way.
Maybe you’ve just moved to another city and are trying to meet new people. Or maybe you’d just like some fresh tips on ways you can be good to others. Whatever drew you to this post, I believe your heart needed it. And if you’re determined to seek extra positivity and a renewed faith in humanity, then keep reading, my friend.

Notable Signs of a Kind Person
We live in a world with all types, but my favorite types are the gentle souls. Life can get heavy. And a person’s kind word or deed can lift some of that burden.
Sometimes the signs of a kind person are completely obvious because of how that person made you feel. But other times, if you look away too fast, you just might miss a true act of kindness. And, gosh darn it, do we ever need true acts of kindness around this planet!
This post is all about the signs of a kind person.
Signs of a Kind Person

Just a note…
This page contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase through my affiliate link at no extra cost to you. My recommendations are always items I buy or totally want to buy!
Signs of a Kind Person: Being Good to Those You Don’t Know
1. Showing Gentleness Toward Animals
This perhaps might be my favorite one, so why not save the best for first every once in a while!
Being kind to animals can mean many things: stopping to help an injured kitten, volunteering at a shelter, or simply petting a sweet dog and telling them how good they are.
I recently saw a reel of a boy giving some water to a thirsty squirrel. The tenderness in that one moment says everything about the child who was trying to help. It was beautiful!
Animals depend on us for so much. They can’t speak up or make major life decisions. They don’t have the freedom or choices we have. And if we disregard those facts, these sentient, amazing souls suffer. It’s heartbreaking.
I think the way we treat animals is one of the best determinants of our true colors.
2. Being Compassionate to Restaurant Servers
In college, I was a server for a hot minute over the summer break. And I can tell you with utmost certainty that how you interact with someone serving your meal can say a whole heckuva lot about you.
I had people who gave me extra tips even when I royally screwed up stuff because they could tell I was struggling, but my intentions were pure. And I’ve never forgotten those guests! I also served patrons who blatantly disrespected me without a second thought. (Also, unforgettable!)
I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but if you’re on the dating scene, first of all, GOD BLESS YOU. But second of all, notice how your date treats the people serving your table. It will tell you quite a bit!
3. Pushing Their Chair Back Under the Table
This is an actual pet peeve of mine, but if you ever accidentally don’t push your seat back, I won’t be mad at you! To me, it’s just a gesture that says you’re thinking of the people who have to clean up after you. It’s really thoughtful. It’s a common courtesy. And I like it!
4. Straightening Unruly Hangers in a Clothing Store
Okay, you might’ve had to work at TJ Maxx, Eddie Bauer, and Casual Corner/Petite Sophisticat all in one lifetime to super duper appreciate this one! But when you have to constantly refold, re-straighten, and rearrange all the shirts, skirts, skorts, scarves, and scanties ever, it’s a heartwarming thing to see someone pick up something they dropped or adjust a top on a hanger that’s holding on for dear life by only one shoulder. Thank you, if you’ve ever done that!
5. Helping Someone Who Looks Lost in a Parking Garage
Now, obviously use your best judgment on this and don’t approach someone who’s carrying a machete. But if you see an elder who looks confused or even an easily lost person like me who’s clearly on the wrong path, it doesn’t hurt to ask if they need help.
If you feel uncomfortable approaching a stranger, I get that, too! In this case, you could call the parking garage attendant or security guard and let them know they might need assistance. Looking out for others is one of the signs of a kind person, for sure!
Signs of a Kind Person: Caring About the Environment and How it Affects Us All
6. Picking Up Plastic on the Beach
So many sea turtles and marine life are injured by our casual waste. And I can’t think about it for too long because I will go down a rabbit hole of despondency and this blog is about what we CAN do.
When you see individuals cleaning up the beach, maybe give them a quick thanks. Maybe even pitch in, too!

7. Returning Their Grocery Cart
This is going the extra mile to be a good citizen, to avoid hitting someone else’s vehicle when that wayward cart you left starts rolling toward destruction!
It only takes a few more minutes to return your cart to the receptacle or inside the store…and it’s really thoughtful and kind. (Bonus points for carrying in a few stragglers or offering to grab someone else’s who just loaded their car.)
8. Offering to Rake the Neighbor’s Yard
Ask first, in case your neighbor is doing something creative with their leaves! But, if you know they’re an elder, single person, or disabled individual, check in and see if they could use an extra hand. This can also apply to snow shoveling!
9. Supporting a Friend’s Small Business
If your friend owns a boutique, restaurant, parts shop, online bakery, or provides an digital or in-person service, you can help them in many ways…and sometimes you don’t have to spend anything! Follow their social media, refer them to friends, write a positive, honest review, subscribe to their newsletter, or purchase a gift card from their business.
This literal support is always helpful, but the emotional support is priceless.
My friend, Kendall, not only buys my books when they come out, but shares them on social media. She doesn’t have to do that, but it makes a huge difference that she does! She also documents events and takes great photos…she’s a sweet little friendship historian!
10. Respecting Others’ Cars When Getting Out of the Car
Oh, I get so riled up when someone flings their car door wide open without thinking of the car right next to them. Another pet peeve alert!
The next time you see someone meticulously shapeshift their body in or out of a car just to respect the adjacent vehicle, send them some good vibes. This person has got kind swagger.
Signs of a Kind Person: Going Out of Your Way to Help, Not Because You Have Nothing Else to Do, But Because You Care
11. Bringing Food to a Friend Who’s Sick or Going Through a Stressful Time
There have been times in my life when loss turned things upside down. When my brother died, the people who visited our home and brought homemade dishes and words of comfort have remained in my heart for years and years.
When my now-husband’s mom tragically passed in a house fire, the same house he lived in, my former boss brought groceries to us. Because A.) I was living on my own at the time and ANYONE who was ANYONE knew I hardly had anything edible in my fridge and I now had a sizeable guy (and his two tweens) occupying my house. Because B.) We were in shock and needed that amazing caring.
I will never forget that…MARN!
12. Listening to Someone’s Story Without Any Distractions
No one loves pouring their heart out while the “listener” is doom scrolling. Let’s set the distractions aside and pay attention to the people we love. Just looking into their eyes and really hearing what they have to say is a very kind thing in this fast-paced life.
My bestie, Jennifer, is my wing-woman. She thoughtfully listens to ALL of my problems OVER and OVER again and strikes the perfect balance of supportive words and helpful wisdom. When we’re together, we laugh a lot. And it’s always been that way. Jennifer stuck by my side during all the wedding hoopla. And, y’all, was there ever some hoopla! Jennifer came into my life during a very tough time and I know she’s God’s way of saying, “I love you.”
13. Checking on Elderly or Single Neighbors During a Power Outage or Bad Storm
Before any disasters strike, get the contact info of that retired neighbor down the hill or the single woman or man who lives next door. Being on your own has many challenges and one of them is always having to watch your own back. They may live far from relatives or have no family. But you can be that family!
Especially when the temps are either extremely cold or hot, send your neighbor a quick text to see if they need anything. If you have power, invite them to come over to your house or bring them supplies.
14. Volunteering at a Local Soup Kitchen, Pet Shelter, or Other Charitable Organization
I have a friend who volunteers with a community group to pick up trash off the roadsides. This is an incredibly selfless act…because no one wants to handle someone else’s trash! But he does it because he’s kind. And that’s a gift to us all…AARON!

15. Sending Job Leads to a Colleague Who’s Looking for Work
It’s tough out there when you’re out of a job. You’re either under-qualified, overqualified, not connected to the right people, connected to the wrong people, competing with literally thousands of candidates, and/or being judged by a bot. Probably.
Even if you don’t have any job leads to share, write a review on LinkedIn for your colleague, offer to proofread their résumé, or share their info with other colleagues in the industry.
Signs of a Kind Person: Treating Others Like You Would Want to Be Treated
16. Sitting with a Friend in a Hospital Waiting Room
Worrying about a loved one in surgery can be terrifying. Our pastor has waited with us in the hospital for hours. My uncle drove from another state to sit with our family, too. This taught me how important it is to be there for those we care for when they’re worried about those they care for.
17. Holding the Door or Elevator for Strangers
No one likes to get clocked by an errant door or squelched by the elevator closing. Men and women who take the extra few seconds to hold doors express a universal goodness from one human to another.
18. Letting a Person at the Grocery Store Go Ahead of You in Line When They Only Have a Few Items
This is a really easy kindness that can make a big difference to someone.
We can all pull our heads out of our phones a little more often and notice the sadly unprepared person juggling a few bags of chips, a 12-pack of soda, and a frozen pizza. This person is clearly ME.
When someone lets you go ahead of them, those are pretty good signs of a kind person.
19. Buying a Stranger’s Coffee
Once, in college, I was even more disorganized than I am now! Unbelievable, right? I was at the campus café when the credit card machine was broken and I had zero cash. Like, ZERO. And I always have zero cash. (Do not learn these bad lessons from me!)
While suffering a small panic attack, another student stepped up and paid for my coffee. Most likely, this guy was in a hurry and was annoyed with me holding up the line. But that kind gesture has stayed with me for years and made a big impression on how I treat others, too.
20. Baking Cookies for a Neighbor
My neighbor bakes homemade cookies for us every Friday. She drops off little gifts and offers to watch over our house when we’re gone. She is truly the definition of a kind, caring, and optimistic person. I’m so glad she’s in my life.
When I was single, another one of my neighbors left some candy and a rose for me on Valentine’s Day. It was a sweet surprise on a day that hadn’t always been so sweet for me! Don’t forget to be there for your single friends, y’all! They’re all kinds of strong, but they still need our love.
Signs of a Kind Person: Accepting Those Who Might Be Different From You
21. Staying in Contact with a Friend Who’s Gone Through a Loss
If you know someone who’s had a loss in the family, sending a sympathy card is nice, but following up with them over time is even nicer. Text them to see how they’re doing, invite them to coffee, or offer to help them around the house. Suggest active and concrete ideas and never put the burden on them to ask you for help first.
My friend, Sarah, is the epitome of a kind person. In fact, if you look up “signs of a kind person” in the dictionary, I’m pretty sure it says SARAH. She cooked homemade lasagnas (one with meat; one without) when my now-husband’s mom passed. She makes applesauce from scratch and bakes the most mouth-watering raspberry almond cookies. She leaves out food for stray cats and rescues them, too. Sarah is a generous soul and you can just feel the love in everything she does.

22. Giving Someone a Genuine Compliment
This one is easy, easy peasy! If your friend is looking great in their new dress or they’ve just accomplished something wonderful, let them know. Who gets tired of kind words? Nobody!
My tenderhearted friend, Renée, always has positive, loving things to say. Always. She was one of my very first friends in Kansas City and I’m so glad we’ve been friends ever since. Renée also hosted my wedding shower and even went with me to try on wedding dresses during the pandemic; memories that will forever be close to my heart. And, as an incredibly talented writer and prolific reader, she faithfully reads my blog. So, hey, Renée!
23. Volunteering to Watch Over a Neighbor’s House While They’re Out of Town
If you have the time and energy, offer to pull in your neighbor’s trashcans, pick up packages, or water their plants. I know I personally don’t like asking anyone to help, so when there’s a an offer, it feels better to receive the assistance.
24. Standing Up for Someone Who’s Being Bullied

This doesn’t always mean getting into a confrontation. Sometimes it means befriending someone who’s being picked on. Sometimes it’s refusing to indulge the bully, like declining their social events or not laughing at their insensitive jokes. Sometimes it’s being there to listen when someone is in tears.
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25. Waiting for a Loved One or Date to Safely Get Inside Their Home Before Driving Off
Ooooo, this is one of my faves! How caring is it to watch over your friend as they unlock their home. How romantic is it to make sure your date is safe at home. It’s so simple, but SO lovely.
Signs of a Kind Person: Imagining What It Feels Like to Travel in Their Shoes
26. Telling Your Friend to Text When They Get Home So You Know They Safely Arrived
Yep. This, too! Once, I dated a guy who basically told me I didn’t need to text him to tell him I arrived safely because he’d be asleep. That, among MANY OTHER REASONS, is why he’s no longer in my life! Notice the people who notice you and care about your well-being. They’re out there. I promise.
27. Donating to a Beloved Cause in Memory of Someone
When a person is missing someone special, and then they receive a donation notice in memory of that loved one, it’s very moving. It’s a way to reach out and show you care. It’s a powerful gesture.
And if you’re one of those thoughtful souls, you’re on the list of signs of a kind person!
28. Writing a Thoughtful Thank-You Note or Sympathy Card
As a greeting card writer, I fully endorse this! But, no matter what, writing a letter of thanks or a condolence message shows you took the time to pick out a card, think about what to say, handwrite your thoughts, and get it in the mail. Words matter…especially the ones from those closest to us.
29. Helping Clear the Table at a Dinner Party
Some hosts and hostesses will refuse the help, but you can still offer. Your politeness will be remembered long after the meal is over.
30. Bringing a Hostess Gift
If you’re invited to a party, but don’t want to show up empty-handed, a bottle of wine or dessert is never a bad idea. You could even check ahead of time to see if they need you to bring something specific!
Signs of a Kind Person: Letting Someone Have the Last Piece of Pie
31. Inviting a Friend to Your Holiday Gathering if They’ll Be Alone
Being on your own during the holidays can be a blessing! But if you know someone who’s sad about being by themselves, inviting them to your holiday dinner or gathering is a really kind expression of love.
32. Helping Someone Recover After They Did Something Embarrassing in Public

This is something that can especially apply to kids. When I was a young child, I was carrying a big plate of food at a church lunch. To no one’s surprise, the awkward klutz in me dropped the whole plate on the ground. I remember adults laughing and that I felt really embarrassed. I can’t remember what happened next, but I hope someone kind helped me and downplayed the situation.
Today, I try to think of that moment when it’s clear someone needs a little grace.
33. Offering the Window Seat or the More Comfy Chair
Does anybody remember “The Wedding Singer” scene when Drew Barrymore’s fiancé wouldn’t give her the window seat the first time she went to Vegas, but he’d let her “lean over him” when they were closer to city? Um, RUDE! Don’t date that guy!
34. Showing Empathy to a Parent Whose Child is Crying Loudly on a Plane
Endless crying can make you want to hide under your oversized hoodie and find your happy place. But I admire the folks who reach out with warmth and offer a kind word to the parent. I always pretend it’s my little dog who won’t behave (and believe me, if she doesn’t want to, she won’t!) and how I’d appreciate empathy in that moment.
35. Surrendering Their Seat for an Elder
I’ve seen some strapping young men keep their seat while a petite woman in her 80s stands in their midst. No matter how strong women are (and we’re pretty mighty!), that just seems wrong. But when I see anyone–man, woman, or kid–offer their seat to someone who looks like they need it, my hope in humanity is renewed.
Signs of a Kind Person: Staying Humble Despite Your Accomplishments or Success
36. Volunteering to Show Someone Around Who’s New to the City
I’ll never forget the writers who first showed me around Kansas City when I moved there at 25, not knowing a soul. Being in a new place is overwhelming, but finding a new friend who cares makes everything better.
“People will forget what you said,
Maya angelou
people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget
how you made them feel.”
37. Ignoring Grammatical Blunders or Social Awkwardness
If it isn’t hurting anyone, it’s a kind thing to do to overlook a weird pronunciation or not perfectly-worded grammar. Pointing out flaws can be annoying and make someone feel self-conscious. Remember the quote: “Sometimes it’s better to be kind than to be right.”
38. Including Someone Who Struggles to Make Friends
If you’re in a social situation and you see a person who’s excluded from the group, inviting them to join you is a class-act move. I’ve met some longtime friends because someone dared to reach out and include me.
39. Sticking Together at a Party or Crowded Event
Going into the city, a music festival, or a girls’ or boys’ weekend can be a lot of fun! But, not to scare you as Worst Case Scenario Girl, it can also have potential to be unsafe in an unfamiliar setting, especially if there are drinks involved.
Here are some tips for being a kind friend:
- Make a plan beforehand to stay in groups of two at a minimum.
- Designate a spot to meet if you get separated.
- Charge your phones before you go.
- Watch over any friends who look sick or unable to fend for themselves.
- Take care of each other and trust your gut if something feels off.
40. Considering Another Person’s Perspective and Responding with Grace
Do you ever get into conversations with people who have an opinion that makes you absolutely bananas? There is a time to speak up, but there is also a time to hold your tongue. This is a delicate balance you might learn as the years go by, but sometimes it just isn’t worth it to be right over being kind.
Signs of a Kind Person: Practicing Gratitude
41. Offering Water to People Working at Your Home
Most contractors bring their own water for the work day. However, you can still ask if they need a cool drink or even a bag of chips! This is true hospitality, especially on a sweltering summer day.
42. Asking a Customer Service Person How They’re Doing
Working in retail or any customer-facing job will teach you a lot about people…FAST. The person ringing up your items might’ve been hollered at twenty minutes before by a hostile patron. And they might still be shaken up about it.
When I worked as a cashier and bank employee, I encountered some pretty egregious personalities. As a young person, I’d sometimes go home and cry because they were so rude to me.
Seeing others empathize with those who deal with complaints and cringe-y underwear returns (yup, that happened) and lower back pain from being on their feet all day means there’s still hope for us all! Treating people behind the counter with respect is a true sign of a kind person.
Signs of a Kind Person Checklist
Use the YOU acronym:
How do they treat…
1. You
2. Others
3. Underdogs
43. Buying School Fundraiser Candy from a Kid or Stopping at a Lemonade Stand
No, you may not need a box of 80 candy bars, 25 different kinds of Girl Scout cookies, or a questionable cup of lemonade, but when you’re kind to a child, you’re showing compassion that our world so needs right now.
44. Offering to Drive a Friend to Get Their Car Fixed So They Don’t Have to Wait All Day in the Lobby
Ugh, it’s so boring to sit in a car dealership lobby, right? Even though some are pretty nice and have snacks, it can be a long day waiting around. If your friend doesn’t have a partner or family to help, offer to drive them home and then back to the shop.
45. Driving a Friend to the Airport or Picking Them Up
I once read that if someone takes you to the airport, it’s a sign that they love you! It’s not only helpful, but who doesn’t feel the warmth of a hug before they get on a plane or a welcoming smile when coming home.
A few months after I moved to Kansas City and was headed back to Tennessee for my first visit home, my new friend, Molly, and her husband, Steve, offered to drive me to the airport. 20+ years later, my mom will tell my dad, “Molly’s the one who took Katherine to the airport!”
Molly is an awesome writer, author, and editor and she edited our Bear Strong children’s book in exchange for time spent together at brunch. Molly is what I call a GEM.
Signs of a Kind Person: Seeing the Good in Others
46. Slowing Down for Squirrels
I lived in the country when I was a little kid and, one time, our school bus driver stopped the bus on an old gravel road, got out, and picked up a turtle who was crossing from one side to another, relocating it to the edge of the woods. That kind act has always stayed with me.
Of course, be careful not to cause a wreck when looking out for cute critters!
47. Knitting Scarves for Houseless Individuals
Once, I was a peon in a community musical and, while I sat around and waited to sing my measly parts, I joined some others who knitted scarves for those who lived outside. Actually, one woman and guy ARTFULLY knitted, like, one new scarf EVERY day. And I knitted like one REALLY BAD scarf over the course of WEEKS.
What I learned from them, excluding how to make a scarf someone would actually want to be seen in public with, was it doesn’t take a huge amount of time in your day to help someone. They taught me a lot.
Signs of a Kind Person
Hebrews 13:2
According to the Bible:
Do not neglect hospitality to strangers,
for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.
48. Seeing Something Their Friend Would Love and Surprising Them With It

Do you have that friend who’s like, “I saw this and HAD to get it because it’s just SO YOU!” Well, I hope you have that friend because that friend is a good egg, in my humble opinion.
My friend, Samantha, and I share a passion for finding the perfect gift! She’s a shrewd shopper, too, always on the lookout for something that just fits the person she’s shopping for. And it feels delightful to be the recipient of a gift that someone got you, not just because it’s a cool item, but also because that item made them think of you.

49. Letting Someone Merge in Front of Them in Busy Traffic
Don’t even get me started about rude drivers! But to counter that, there are the people who leave a space for you to merge into traffic or offer you the right-of-way when making a hectic turn into a shopping center. Props to these people! They can sometimes save the day…and your sanity!
50. Cutting the Plastic Soda Can Rings So Birds or Other Critters Can’t Get Trapped
Like a lot of other families, we’ve been doing this since I was a kid. No one wants this type of plastic to end up in the landfill, but the reality is that it does and birds can get trapped in the rings.
If you can help it, choose the cans in the paper boxes over the six-pack with the plastic rings. However, if you do end up with the plastic, it’s a kind thing to think of innocent animals who might be affected.
Signs of a Kind Person: Making Someone Feel Heard, Seen, Appreciated, Respected, and Special
51. Leaving a Generous Tip for Hotel Housekeeping
Having to clean up other people’s trash, spills, and general ick is not a job for the faint of heart.
The first time I saw my friend leave a tip for housekeeping, I thought, “That is so cool.” So after witnessing her act of kindness, I make sure to bring cash with me on trips, even though I’m the worst about bringing cash with me on trips!
52. Stopping on the Shoulder to Show Respect to a Funeral Procession
I’m from Tennessee originally, so this could be even more of a Southern thing, but it brings tears to my eyes any time I see this act of kindness. When people did this for my brother’s funeral, I still haven’t forgotten it decades later.
Signs of a Kind Person Storytime:
As we headed to the cemetery to say goodbye to my brother,
many cars stopped on the side of the road…
one man even saluted.
I was just a teenager,
so I had a car full of friends
who rode with me to be by my side.
It was one of the kindest things
I’ve experienced.
And on that ride,
one car tried to leap in front of my old Honda Accord
that was puttering and struggling to keep up
while we were going through the procession.
My friend, Lacey, yelled, “You jerk!”
Now, while I’m not condoning insults, per se,
today when I look back on that moment,
I smile at the pure, genuine support
of that young person.
I will say that her standing up for me
AND my brother
was so very sweet, so very kind.
53. Helping a Friend Move or Other Variations of Helping at Their Home
Several years ago, I had a really great boss that I also considered a friend. He offered to bring a ladder over to my place for some repairs and even clear out the unappealing weed garden I had involuntarily grown under my deck. Who here is good at getting weeds to thrive???
I didn’t ask for this major assist at all. He just wanted to help, so I said yes and ordered some pizza as a thank-you. This friend has now passed on, but I miss him and think of his kindness often. Lots of love to you, Jim.
54. Speaking Up For What’s Right

Having integrity in this world is one of the biggest notable signs of a kind person. The traits of a person with integrity include fairness, awareness, conscience, conscientiousness, truthfulness, empathy, respect, and, yes, kindness.
My friend, Linda, has a heart for people, children, and animals…especially those who don’t get their voices heard as much as others. She actively goes to peaceful protests and stays true to what she believes in. She’s a caring, kindred spirit (and a dandy writer!) who will stand up for the right thing. I admire that.
55. Giving Credit Where Credit is Due
Have you ever worked on a project and others got all the praise, while you were left in the dust? Ugh, right?!
One of the signs of a kind person is giving shoutouts, credit, and thoughtful accolades to the ones who worked hard and did that thing! Sharing the spotlight ain’t no small act. It’s really kind.
56. Supporting a Friend Who’s Planning a Wedding

Planning a big event when you’re a worrier, overthinker, and overdoer is a challenging endeavor, to say the least. Those who offer their help…pitching in with a task, attending to some of the finer details, or even merely listening are on my list of signs of a kind person!
57. Singing at a Nursing Home
Visiting residents at a senior living community is a compassionate outing you can do with your friends! Especially if you’re a musician, it’s a way to bring joy to people who might not get a lot of frequent visitors. Pretty much everyone loves music, too. It can stir fond memories and do good for a person’s soul.
58. Wearing the Clothes or Jewelry Your Friend Gave You When You Guys Hang Out
This just takes a tiny bit of pre-planning, but sporting a gift from someone you love is such a kind show of appreciation and gratitude!
My sister-in-law, Adelaida, and her mom, Maria, (aka, my shopping partner!) are always wearing the earrings and necklaces I get them (I get them lots of earrings and necklaces–and vice versa!). They’ll say, “These are the ones YOU got me!” and then proudly show them off. And then we’ll usually all clap and say “yay!” and talk about how cute they are on them! Yup, total girl joy!
This makes me so happy to know that what I meticulously searched for and eventually picked out for them is being enjoyed. And that means everything. And that is kind.
Wrap Up: Signs of a Kind Person
While reading, I hope you’ve encountered some of these signs of a kind person in your life…and even have done some of these kindnesses yourself! I also hope this inspires you to add a little more empathy and caring into the world. But I have a real good feeling you already do.
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What are the signs of a kind person
that you’d like to share?
Please leave me a note in the comments!
I’d love to hear your stories.
This is a very thorough post on acts of kindness. There really does need to be more kindness in the world.
Thank you, Catherine! I really appreciate your note!
these are great signs
Thank you for reading, Jimmy!
These are definitely great characteristics of a kind person!
Thank you, Elisa!
I really like 9, 11, 12; they are great indicators of a person’s kindness and compassion.
Oh, thank you, Domii! I love those things, too! Truly showing up for someone is so unforgettable<3
These are great ideas.
I always used to wonder at the difference between a kind person and a nice person?
Can you share your perspective?
Hi Ava! That is so funny you mentioned this because I was literally thinking of doing a post on this today! To me, I think the biggest difference is the intention behind what they do. Obviously, nice people are nice to be around and there can be overlap. But I think that someone who does something to be nice might not always do it because they want to–maybe they feel like they have to? A kind person has a soul-deep desire to be there for someone or be fair to someone. I feel like the best kindnesses aren’t for everyone to see, but just to do something good for someone because you’re motivated in your heart.