Do you ever feel like you’re the ONLY ONE in your family or social groups who cares about being eco-friendly? It can be very dispiriting to work so hard on upcycling, responsible donating, limiting single-use plastic, composting, and repurposing, then watch the news (or just random people on Earth) and think, “Am I really making a difference?” I feel like this sometimes, too, but have a few encouraging tips that might help.
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This page contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase through my affiliate link at no extra cost to you. My recommendations are always items I buy or totally want to buy!
Being Eco-Friendly Matters
After recycling and donating and being eco-friendly for practically my whole life, then facing the stark realization that TONS of stuff are still going to the landfill, I seriously still feel dismayed. I have a lot of opinions on how this could improve, but that’s a much longer discussion (and rant!) for another day!
If you’re a person who’s concerned about our planet and animals, I want you to know that you really aren’t alone. You may hang out with carefree cohorts who toss everything or live with brutes who absolutely refuse to reuse or work for a company that is SO wasteful. I feel this angst in my SOUL. But I want you to know I see you and the heart you put into being as socially responsible as you can.
Being Eco-Friendly is a Kind Choice
And, boy oh boy, do I understand why a lot of people don’t go the extra mile to be more eco-friendly. It ain’t easy! Every city, town, and hamlet has different recycling rules and will only take stuff like Numbers 1 & 2 plastic, if that! And then, what are they REALLY doing with that plastic? You have to be super passionate to seek out environmental ways to dispose of things. And that’s sadly not most people.
And THEN, everywhere we shop is inundated with plastic containers, from veggies to vitamins to vermicelli and you really can’t win there either.
AND THEN, the options to be a better human are so limited when we’re out of our usual day-to-day routines, like traveling or going to concerts, that we sometimes have to take the less eco-friendly option.
Okay, I’m depressed now.
BUT, still. I believe being eco-friendly matters. I believe you matter. And by the end of this article, you’ll be even more inspired to believe it, too.
This post is all about being eco-friendly and why your efforts really do make a difference.
1. You’re setting an eco-friendly example.
When I see someone remembering to bring their reusable bags into the grocery store or skipping a straw at a restaurant, this makes me want to be better. We can learn from each other and even swap tips!
I also think this is a perfect way to show kids how to care and be compassionate. Kids are always observing, even at a very young age! At around age two, my nephew was watching someone wipe a counter, then he started to imitate them by wiping down some surfaces, too. SO super cute.
When we do those little extra things like repurposing household items or choosing glass containers, we’re showing a younger generation good habits. And caring about the earth is more than saying you love trees and butterflies (which I very much do!). It’s saying that it’s important to think of others, too…to care about the welfare of our community in addition to your own wants and needs.
2. You’re letting your voice be heard.
Every time I choose an item that’s packaged in glass over plastic, I feel like I’m telling brands, “Yeah, I want THIS…not THIS!” We can encourage companies by speaking through our wallets. As we all know, money talks. So, as much as I can (and I’m way FAR from perfect), I let my money run its big mouth whenever it’s out shopping (which is much too often, but we’ll save those problems for another time).
Some Things I Choose Because They’re Plastic-Free
- Farmstead Apothecary moisturizer (glass jar & tin lid)
- Oui Dairy-Free yogurt (glass jar & foil lid)
- Juices that come in glass bottles
- Soda cans versus plastic bottles
- Plastic-free makeup like Axiology
- Blueland hand soap tablets and dishwasher tabs
- Earth Breeze eco sheets to replace detergent in plastic bottles
- HoldOn plant-based trash bags
- Metal, reusable, travel straws with cleaning brush (though, confession, I’m still struggling with the straw thing for various reasons)
- Shampoo and conditioner bars (not all the time, but I try to mix it up)
- BetterWay toilet paper and paper towels (bamboo-based and no plastic packaging)
If better city systems were in place,
where there was an easy and convenient way
to properly recycle EVERYTHING,
then I think a lot more people would participate.
We’re all really busy and sometimes it’s a major headache
to dig through websites to find that one obscure location
that takes water filters (which, BTW, I’m still trying to figure out!)
or pillows (still working on this one, too!)
or random cords and cables (which usually is once a year).
Our local and national governments have some smart people
(okay, some smarty pants people, too)
who I believe can work this out.
But it’s probably not high on their list
and, if it is,
louder voices get in the way.
I don’t know.
This is the rant I promised I wouldn’t do
at the start of this post.
So, apologies are due!

3. You’re encouraging your friends and family to consider eco-friendly options through gift-giving.
Many of my family and friends know I love earth-friendly stuff. Sometimes, they’ll buy me lotion and after I open it, say, “And it’s cruelty-free!” Sometimes, they’ll come to me for ideas on vegan shoes or natural makeup.
And this is not because I preach or am a little eco-friendly tyrant. I am neither a preacher nor tyrannical ruler! They just know me by noticing the choices I make and the things I buy. And, let me just say, this is the sweetest thing you can do for someone you love: notice them. Listen to their likes and dislikes. Observe what they wear or how they style their home. THIS is how you find the best gifts that really speak to their personality and tastes.
I also use my eco-friendly powers for good when buying gifts. First, I always consider the person. Then, if I know they love purses, for instance, I’ll look for a purse from an eco-friendly or cruelty-free brand. If I find something I think they’ll love, that’s when I get it for them! NOT the other way around: “I like this because it’s better for the environment, so I’m pushing you to like it, too.” Nope!
Caring about the environment is caring about people, too. And think about it, if you get them something you love, but they’re all “meh” about it, then most likely that item will be tossed or discarded, and then we’re back to all our ol’ waste shenanigans!

4. You’re building stronger relationships with others.
I started taking my ratty undergarments and socks to H&M to be recycled because one of my good friends told me about it.
My mom signed up with a composting company because I told her I was using a compost service now.
My bestie is planning on getting a Trashie bag because I started using them for my clothing recycling and donations.
Having meaningful conversations with others leads to sharing great ideas, hacks, and tips! And I’m always searching for great ideas, hacks, and tips!
Environmental concerns can be the way some people bond, and it’s never a bad thing to connect with others over positive, core values.
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5. You’re reducing your carbon footprint.
Sometimes I feel like I’m making the tiniest dent. But it IS a dent and I believe every bit matters. You, as an individual, can and DO make a difference.
And, yes, a lot is out of our control. And, YES, it’s VERY frustrating. However, as someone who struggles with a perfectionist mindset, I’m learning that progress is what’s important. Start somewhere and don’t wait for it to be perfect. We can’t do it all, but we can do something.

6. You’re putting positivity into the world.
Anybody feel like we could use some happy news? I know I feel lighter when I help someone or make better, eco-conscious choices. And I tend to be in a much better mood if I do or say something kind or complimentary or hopeful. Trust me, my mind is always, always going, so it’s easy for thoughts to downward spiral about all of the waste and dysfunction and hurt in this world.
But there’s also so much beauty, too. YOU, for example, as a kind and optimistic soul, are beauty! (And I don’t want you to forget how gorgeous that is!)
So, however you choose to contribute, yes, do it for the earth, but also do it for yourself.
7. You’re paving the way for more modern advancements.
When we speak up with our money, write our representatives, vote for eco-conscious candidates, ask corporations for change, and sign petitions on issues that matter to us, we’re, albeit little-by-little, telling major decision makers what’s important. We can choose options that do the least damage and make the loudest difference.
And, honestly, as everyday humans, we’re limited to speaking up, consuming less, and kind of waiting for behemoth companies to produce differently. Of course, nothing is made without zero energy and zero resources. It takes fuel and energy to empty those glass recycling bins and transform the glass into something new. It takes clearing land for crops and tons of building materials to support a community. It takes power to send out important information online that educates us all to grow and improve our lives.
But it also takes caring individuals and companies to plan more efficiently, plant new trees, and share with others how they can participate, too. This is emotional energy that can fuel our passion to keep going.
The Wrap-Up
I mostly covered product choices and using less single-use plastic in this post, but there are so many other ways we can be eco-friendly and make eco-friendlier choices. It’s not just doing one thing, but adding a portfolio of good habits to our daily routines. It’s about starting small and starting somewhere…not waiting for the perfect moment.
What are your tips and tricks for being eco-friendly? I love swapping ideas with folks!
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Great thoughts! It’s so important to adopt eco-friendly habits in our daily lives.
Thank you, Jaishree! I really appreciate your kind words!